Year 2

The Year 2 Team

Year 2 Class Teacher: Miss Johnson
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Floyd

Welcome to Year 2!

This year, you will be taught by Miss Johnson and Mrs. Floyd. We are both looking forward to getting to know your children and yourselves over the coming year, and have so many of exciting activities and plans lined up for this year that we can’t wait to dive in to! We hope you have all had a fantastic summer and are ready and eager to start Year 2 with us!
Reading Books and Pupil Planners: Please ensure you read frequently with your child, reading and discussing the text at least four times a week. Reading books will be changed in school every week.  There will be certificates and prizes given out to all children who read four to five times per week. Please make a note in your child’s planner to show that you have read with your child. There are also a number of information and permission pages within the planner. Please read through all pages within the first week of school and sign them.
Snack: A selection of fruit is available in KS1 each day or your child can bring a healthy snack to school from home. Children can also purchase a healthy snack every day at a cost of 30p for toast and 35p for juice.
Outdoor Coat: Please ensure your child has a warm and waterproof coat suitable to wear during the day at breaktimes, dinnertimes and for any outdoor learning.
P.E. Kit: PE Kits should be brought into school at the start of each half term and should be named. These will be sent home at the end of each half term for a wash. Our indoor PE Kit consists of a plain white T-shirt, plain blue shorts and black pumps. For outdoor PE, children wear their plain white T-shirt, plain dark black or blue tracksuit bottoms and trainers. P.E will take place on a Wednesday afternoon.
Homework: Homework will be handed out on a Friday and should be returned to school on a Wednesday. There will be one piece of Maths, one piece of English work to complete and spellings to learn. We will have a weekly spelling test every Friday. I wonder who will get ten out of ten!
We are really looking forward to working with you and your children in Year 2 and we are sure it will be an enjoyable and productive year! Our door is always open if you have any concerns or simply just want to have a chat. Please do not hesitate to pop in after school at 3:20, ring the office to set up a meeting or write in your child’s diary.