
At Bruche Primary School Academy, we strive for the highest possible standard of education for all pupils and recognise that this can only be achieved by supporting and promoting excellent attendance and punctuality. This is based on the belief that only by attending school regularly and punctually will pupils be able to take full advantage of the educational opportunities available to them. Parents and carers play a key role in ensuring primary-aged pupils attend school regularly and arrive on time. Many pupils achieve 100% attendance but there are some whose patterns of attendance cause concern.

Teachers and parents share a common goal when it comes to children. We all want the very best educational opportunities for them, and we want every single one to get the most they can out of the 190 days a year our schools are open for learning. At Bruche, each pupil’s attendance and punctuality is tracked daily. Where attendance or punctuality data causes a concern, parents are informed of this.

There are times when children are unable to attend school. We all become poorly from time to time, and there are also hospital appointments and funerals that happen during the school day which cannot be missed.

The school’s Senior Leadership Team meet regularly to look at attendance rates and cross reference these with pupils’ current progress and attainment scores. Parents will be informed if their child is falling behind academically as a result of poor attendance or punctuality.We are committed to working with our families to ensure that their children can catch up on the learning they miss on the days they are understandably absent from school.

WPAT Attendance Graduated Response

Warrington Borough Council School Attendance (Fixed Penalty Notices information)


It is equally as important to ensure that your child is punctual to school. This means being on time and ready for the day ahead. Being punctual allows for a great start to the day, putting your child in a positive frame of mind to make the most of the day's learning and activities. It also shows children the importance of time management, which can be carried through their life.

Punctuality is linked to good attendance and as we know, good attenders have more opportunities and therefore achieve more.

Minutes late can quickly equate to days missed. In example, if your child was late by five minutes each morning, by the end of the academic year they would have lost 3.4 days of learning.

Holidays in Term Time

Bruche Primary School Academy DO NOT authorise holidays in term time.

Term time holidays have become one of the major reasons for absence from school. Contrary to belief, there is no entitlement to ten days off for family holidays. What the law actually provides for is exceptional circumstances. All Warrington Headteachers have agreed that, unless exceptional circumstances can be proved, any absence for a family holiday in future will be treated as an unauthorised absence. 

It is much harder to help children recoup the learning and school experiences lost when they are taken out of school to go on term time holidays. We understand the economic pressures every family now faces, and share the frustration felt by many at having to pay more for breaks within school holiday times.

We recognise that more needs to be done by the government and the travel industry to regulate and reduce these prices but we cannot allow children's education to be put at risk because of high holiday costs.

We urge all parents and carers to work with us and book family time and breaks away during the 175 days of the year when our schools are not open for learning. This will give every child the same chance to take advantage of the rich educational and social experiences our school provides.

WPAT are in the process of introducing a significant fining system for absence due to holidays. Further information will be issued to parents/carers soon as possible. In the meantime parents/carers will be referred to a meeting with our safeguarding/welfare team if they submit a holiday request during term time.

Illness at School

Children who are unwell can be brought to the entrance hall for a short period but, whenever it is felt necessary, parents will be contacted. Accidents can happen in school; cuts and grazes are dealt with by one of our First Aiders. Should anything more serious occur parents will be contacted immediately; we will inform you of our concerns and will suggest solutions.


The school is willing to administer prescribed medicines/creams, only when the Schools Medical Consent Form has been completed, which are available from school. All medicines must be brought by an adult to the office to be stored away appropriately and
securely. Medicines can be collected at the end of the day by a parent/carer. 


A number of our pupils suffer from this condition; we ask parents to inform the school of this and also provide regular updates on their medical requirements. If children need to take the inhalers during the school day, we request you send one to school, with your child’s prescription clearly labelled on, to be kept on the school premises. We do not allow children to keep them in their school bag.


Handwashing is one of the most important ways of controlling the spread of infections. The recommended method is to use liquid soap, warm water and paper towels. Always wash hands after using the toilet, before eating or handling food, and after handling animals.

Illness Guidance